Sunday, May 8, 2011

Amber - Final Project

My final project has taken a new direction. Instead of using my previous ideas, I've decided to mix painting and graphic design to create a new project. This idea stemmed off of looking for something unique I could work on that no one else in the class was doing. After watching Exit Through the Gift Shop I've been drawn to street art and the way an artist can create such strong images just from a spray can. I decided instead of using paints I'd rather do spray paint, and make my own stencils. Next year I'm living in a quad with 3 other people and I decided to make something that could be hung up on the wall. I'm planning on spray painting a stencil of each girl on a separate small canvas and then have all the pieces go together. I've Photo Shopped a picture of each of us and have simplified the face - finding how I can minimalize parts of the face but still have it be recognizable and contain a certain style. I've used the Gestalt Principles to help me create designs. The tricky part is knowing that I have to make a stencil out of the image - which is hard since the pieces have to be connected to each other. Here's an example - this is the stencil I'm using for myself.

Here are some other projects I've worked on in the past that have given me a basis for this project. The first one I took a picture of myself kicking a soccer ball and turned it into a design - adding other pieces to give it movement. This was from a graphic design course I took. The next picture was me just messing around in my basement with spray paint this summer, I made a skyline but it's not quite finished yet.

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