Tuesday, April 26, 2011

Jason - Final Project

So I'm a senior, getting ready to leave -- but doing some reflecting on the way. Looking back at my years here, I'd say I've learned two big topics: the first being econometrics, and the second being stochastic-calculus-probability-whatever. It took me four years to see how they're actually the same thing (true story! -- two sides to the same coin, it's funny how often that seems to happen).

Anyways, the goal of my art project is to help convey an underlying theme in these two fields. It goes like this: in order to understand complexity, you must use abstraction. This is math in a nutshell. The game goes, the world is far too rich and complex, so in order to understand it, you lay over a "cloth" of abstraction. The cloth is easy to understand, while the thing underneath the cloth -- really it's gross and impossible.

The swirly-pollocky lines on the canvas are the abstraction. The motherboard is a literal metaphor for complexity. From an artistic standpoint, I don't think you need the literal metaphor in the piece, so I might not have the motherboards nailed into the board, but that's where I'm at right now.

Here are some close-ups of my final project: 


Here are the close-ups of my prototype (the first is the base-coat only version): 



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