Tuesday, April 26, 2011

Jesse - Derive and Final Project


For my derive I decided to walk up thayer street, starting from the OMAC area since I always walk the other way. I wanted to get away from all of the business and just see what else providence had to offer. As I kept walking up thayer, I started passing neighborhoods, schools, lines of stores, day cares and restaurants. I ended up in a small section above the main road, which was Hope street since thayer turned into it. I became fascinated with the way that a group of homes was tucked away, behind tennis courts, above a park and school, in a quiet corner of a sort. I walked around one block of houses four times and noticed the uneven sidewalks, evergreen bushes, thorns, and rickety porches along the street. This walk accomplished exactly what I hoped it would. It helped to clear my mind, while allowing me to investigate the neighborhoods that I will call home for the next four years.

Final Project:

For my final project I plan to create a set of photographs focusing on the lights that shine over providence during the night. I do not intend to just produce photos of lights, but rather more abstract versions of the lights. I want to show the way that the lights illuminate the city, create an atmosphere for us and the people who live in  providence, and travel all over the city. We take for granted the importance of light and how much it impacts our lives. I plan to mount the photographs on foam-core to create a more substantial piece.

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