Wednesday, February 16, 2011

7- Kim: Larry Lessig reaction

I appreciate how Lessig believes that reusing and repurposing someone else’s creation is still a form of creativity instead of plagiarism. It reminded me of texts I read in a comparative lit class last semester where authors took the characters or plot lines from classic stories and re-wrote them from another perspective. Each version of the story was not a copy, just a different interpretation. I agree with Lessig that artists should make their work available for others to use, because revision is a continuation of the creative process. Every re-written story or re-mixed video adds to the power of the original instead of detracting from it.

I just watched "Exit Through the Gift Shop" last night, and it might have changed my views on ownership. Watching Thierry take credit for his art confused me because in the film, we never see him make anything. Thierry has vision, and he certainly enjoys publicity, but I cannot see him as an artist. In his studio, Thierry hires prop designers and printers to execute his vision. We never see Thierry sketching or building, just pointing and directing. If Thierry had the idea to make a monster out of televisions, but the prop designer actually built it, then to whom does the art belong? Is it wrong for Thierry to take credit for a piece that someone constructed for him? Or is art entirely independent of its creators?

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