Wednesday, February 23, 2011

Jonathan 4: Lessig Response

I find it very interesting that today's generation and culture has brought about the debate of the validity in the copying of works of art. You don't have to travel far to find a copy of any video, photograph, painting, ect on the internet. In the current times, a work of art doesn't have to be any where near famous to be replicated and reproduced dozens upon dozens of times.

The process of copying a work of art can often times undermine the conveyed message of the original, but that is not always the case. The effect that a copy can have on an original piece of art is definitely conditional. It all depends on what an artist is intending to express by replicating a certain piece of artwork. This is why I believe that original does not always lose validity upon being reproduced because it may have a new message from a different artist. Copying in the digital age is often times about the act of doing so, as opposed to the copy itself.

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